FAQ: What Happens if I Die without a Will?

You’ve heard the statistic: 55% of Americans don’t have a will. And there are lots of reasons why – check out our Path of Most Resistance blog series. If you’re one of those no-will Americans, it might interest you to know: “What happens if I die without a will?” Leaving it Up to Your Congressmen If you choose not to … Read More

Watch Your Language: Intestate

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice (“Freewill” by Rush). Estate planning is based on a single choice: will you plan or will you not plan? If you choose to plan, you get to design all the details surrounding management of your property after your death. If you choose not to plan, then you are … Read More

The Biggest Job in Probate Court

There are several responsibilities that come along with being a personal representative in Northwest Iowa, and there are personal qualities which may make one person a better choice than others. For example, a good personal representative will have a sense of fairness and will be able to remain impartial when it comes to following the decedent’s instructions. [Read More]

FAQ: What Happens if I Revoke My Will in Iowa?

There are some common questions which go along with revoking a will, but one of the most asked is whether or not revoking the will revives a prior one. The answer to this question is “probably not.” When setting up your estate planning needs, your attorney will likely help you create a will. If you decide to make changes and create a new will later, the previous version is no longer in effect. [Read More]

What Does a Probate Lawyer in Northwest Iowa Do?

It is a great idea to hire a probate lawyer before you actually “need” his or her services so things can go as smoothly as possible when it comes to taking an estate through the probate process. Unfortunately, that’s not always how it works. Oftentimes, a person isn’t even aware of what a probate lawyer in Northwest Iowa does until he or she is in need of one. It’s very common to go looking for a probate lawyer in Northwest Iowa once a loved one has passed and help is needed immediately. [Read More]

[FAQ]: What Happens If My Heir Dies Before I Do In Northwest Iowa?

Choosing children as heirs to your inheritance makes sense. After all, most people want their life’s hard work to go toward the betterment of their children’s lives. Due to age differences, children will usually outlive their parents, as well. But, what happens when you outlive an heir? What becomes of the inheritance you wanted to be passed on to him or her?[Read More]

Estate Planning for Single People

estate planning for single people in northwest iowa

Why should a single person work with a will and trust attorney in Northwest Iowa? The answer is simple: if you don’t plan, then if you have a medical emergency or pass away, the state will step in and impose its own plan on your body and your assets. [Read More]